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4,520.00 €

Wet Abrasion Scrub Tester



This wet abrasion scrub tester, also called a double headed washability tester, is designed to provide an accelerated and controlled method of determining abrasive wear resistance on coating /material surfaces.

The wet abrasion scrub tester has two parallel rails, thus testing of two different samples at the same time or simultaneous testing is possible.

Coatings or test components up to 25 mm thickness can be clamped on the machine. On the display the run-time is adjusted in cycles – after one minute 37 cycles (forward and backward) are done.


The wet abrasion scrub tester is designed like a trough with 2 pipes (in and out-pipes) for the wet usage.

The in-pipe just is put into the test liquid. Once you switch on the pump the test liquid will be dropped from the two moving brush supports onto the tested material. Because of the friction of the brushes the test liquid will be spread uniformly.

The test liquid flows through the out-pipe and can be disposed of directly. For special requirements the drain can be closed and the machine can be used in a flooded state.

The flowrate [ml/min] can be adjusted on the display up to a maximum of 80 ml/min.


One brush set of your choice is included with the device. Other brush sets can be ordered separately.

The following brush sets are available: DIN 53778, ISO 11998,  ASTM D2486 or ASTM D3450.


Item number: PG-2805


Technical specifications:

Run-time in cycles. One cycle is defined as forward and backward

The wet abrasion scrub tester makes 37 cycles in one minute

Maximum setting of run-time: 9999 cycles

Maximum test component height:  25 mm

Flowrate adjustable from 0 – 80 ml/min


Standards: DIN 53778, ISO 11998,  ASTM D2486 and ASTM D3450


Including manufacturer’s test certificate and 1 year warranty



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