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3,180.00 €

Intelligent Krebs Viscometer



The Intelligent Krebs Viscometer (also names as Stormer Viscometer) is very good for fast measurements, e.g. in the inspection of raw materials or for simple measurements of any paints in the production or quality control.

For the measurement, the substance to be tested is placed in the provided cup and then the paddle measuring system (= double-leaf stirrer) automatically dips into the substance to be tested.

The measurement is made by the rotation of the paddle and the resulting torque in the device. In doing so, the consumption of the motor current is indirectly measured, which is needed to keep the target speed of 200 rpm constant.


The touch display always shows the following units:

Krebs Units (KU), Grams (g), Moder Centipoise (cP) = (mPa · s (millipascal-second) and Temperature (° C).


The torque is displayed in Krebs units (KU). 40 to 141 KU correspond to the weight mass of m = 32 to 1099 g, which on the other hand corresponds to 27-5274 cP or mPa ∙ s.

The weight mass (g) indicates the mass at which the speed (200 rpm) is reached (the weight mass is historical: drawstring, driven by falling weights).

The dynamic viscosity (cP = mPa ∙ s) indicates the viscosity (thickness) of the substance. It must be mentioned that the viscosity values are to be understood as relative values. Due to the geometric shape of the paddle, a stirring process is performed which causes a turbulent flow. For absolute viscosity values according to ISO or DIN, laminar flow forms are required.



-Automatic measurement

-Spindle is lowered or raised automatically

-Measuring-time: Start and end time can be set individually

-Displayed digitally and graphically on the display, each in real time

-Temperature sensor available

-Evaluation on the PC possible


Item number: PG-1112U


Technical specifications:

Accuracy: +/- 1%

RPM: constant 200 rpm

Real-time display: Krebs units [KU], grams [g], Moder centipoise [cP] = [mPa ∙ s] and temperature [° C]


Standards: ASTM D562


Including manufacturer’s test certificate and 1 year warranty

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