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Automatic Cupping Tester

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- Please register/log-in our webshop or
- By phone/e-mail/fax/mail

6,120.00 €

Automatic Cupping Tester    

Technical specifications:

Stroke length: 0 – 15 mm

Indenter speed: 0,02 – 0,4 mm/s ± 0,5 %
Cupping process: Automatic

Camera: Fullcolor, CCD

Light source: LED

Cupping result: Digital (resolution 0,001 mm)

Interface: USB

Max. panel width: 70 mm

Max. steel panel width: 1,25 mm (standard speed 0,2 mm/s)

Max. aluminium panel width: 3,0 mm (standard speed 0,2 mm/s)

Max. cupping force: 15 kN

Weight: 35 kg

Dimension: 260 x 310 x 400 mm



-Touchscreen (mouse connection available)

-Parameter-settings adjusted directly on the screen (or mouse)

-Cupping process displayed on screen in realtime

-Cuppping speed & depth displayed on screen in realtime

-Automatic calibration (zero point) available

-Creating screenshots during cupping process or later while evaluating video possible


Item number: PG-1606

EN-ISO 1520, DIN 53156


Including manufacturer’s test certificate and 1 year warranty

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