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Automatic Pull Off Adhesion Tester

2,890.00 €

Automatiic Pull Off Adhesion Tester

Including 30 dollies (10, 14, 20 oder 50 mm) of your choice.



The Automatic Pull Off Adhesion Tester is suitable for the objective measurement of coatings (whether single or multi-layered) adhesion.


In the process, the Automatic Pull Off Adhesion Tester pulls on the coating by means of hydraulic force, until the coating releases from the substrate or in the case of multi-layer structures, the intermediate layer with the lowest adhesion. The value on detachment is displayed directly on the device, which gives you an objective measurement result.


Technical specifications:
Available dollies :
10, 14, 20 and 50 mm (diameter)


Pull rate range: 
10 mm: 0,8 MPa/s ~ 3 MPa/s (116 psi/s – 435 psi/s)
14 mm: 0,4 MPa/s ~ 1,5 MPa/s (58 psi/s – 217 psi/s)
20 mm: 0,2 MPa/s ~ 0,75 MPa/s (29 psi/s – 108 psi/s)
50 mm: 0,03 MPa/s ~ 0,12 MPa/s (4 psi/s – 17 psi/s)


Hold force range: 
10 mm: 10 MPa ~ 100 MPa (1450 psi – 14504 psi)
14 mm: 5 MPa ~ 50 MPa (725 psi – 7252 psi)
20 mm: 2,5 MPa ~ 25 MPa (362 psi – 3626 psi)
50 mm: 0,4 MPa ~ 4 MPa (58 psi – 580 psi)


Scope of delivery:

  • Automatic Pull Off Adhesion Tester
  • 30 Dollies of your choice.
  • 1x  Dolly cutter of your choice
  • 1x Sandpaper (800Cw, size: DIN A4)
  • 1x Humidity and temperature sensor
  • 1x Gluekit: Two-component Epoxy-Glue (Glue A+B)  15 ml each
  • 5x Wooden spatula
  • 5x Cotton sawb
  • 5x Cardboard



ISO 4624


Item number:

PG-2201-dolly10 (incl. 30x 10 mm Dollies)

PG-2201-dolly14 (incl. 30x 14 mm Dollies)

PG-2201-dolly20 (incl. 30x 20 mm Dollies)

PG-2201-dolly50 (incl. 30x 50 mm Dollies)


Including Manufacturer’s Test Certificate and 1 year warranty


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